Monday, December 19, 2011

Chapter Fifty-Seven Starting to Rebuild

Carla remarks, “Enough work talk, now you need to eat and then I will give you a message from Randy.”

As Tyler is filling his plate, he asks, “What kind of message did Randy leave?”

“Your mill delivery will be in three days.  He plans to meet the wagons and make sure that everything is there you ordered.  I’m assuming he wants the rest of his payment then too.”

“I’m sure he does but not until I check everything out myself to make sure it’s all there.

“Scott, I was doing a lot of thinking on the way back tonight.  What do you think of this?

“I figure the Peters’ property has about five hundred head of cattle after we remove what belongs to us.  I would like to buy some of them if the price is right and I was thinking you might too.  Even more important I think we could split the property between us.”

Monday, December 12, 2011

Chapter Fifty-Six Two Weeks Later

“Hello in the house,” yells Scott.  He hollers a second time.

Standing inside the screen door is Matt Peters.  “What do you want here?”

“We’ve come for a couple of reasons, Matt.  Our family wishes to give you our sympathy over the death of your mother.  We hope that your grief doesn’t cause you to blame yourself for that accident.  Secondly, we came to move the one hundred head the court ordered to the Reynolds property.  Can you ride with us to give us some direction as to where you would want us to remove them from your herd?”

“No, I have things to do here!  Ride east a ways and you’ll find two hands Gus and Dave.  They know what happened in court and will comply with what you need to do.  Take your hundred head and get off our land.”

“I’ll be back another time for those that are re-branded,” states Tyler.

“Good, get it over with.  My sister has decided to stay east after all of this and I’m getting the property set for sale.  I don’t want to deal with things around here anymore than I have to.”

“If you want to sell more of your herd off I would be glad to consider it,” remarks Tyler.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Chapter Fifty-Five Back Home

Joan says, “I agree with that statement.  None of us know how he is going to react and I think it’s very unwise for one of you to go alone.”

“We have ninety days to move the cattle off of their property.  We need to get some help to do that, by the time we fine the help it should give him time to settle down,” remarks Scott.

“Not only that but I need to check the whole herd and make sure I get all of those that the Peters tried to re-brand,” speaks Tyler.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Chapter Fifty-Four Judge's Decision

Attorney Andrew is sitting at the plaintiff’s table waiting for them.  When they enter he rises and offers each of them a handshake.

Tyler tells him about the reporter. 

Smiling Andrew replies “Doesn’t surprise me one bit.  The paper will try to get a story any way they can.  You did the right thing.  Judge Thomas instructed both attorneys not to say anything before we left yesterday.”

As they talk attorney Snyder, Virginia and Matt Peters enter the room.  They take their assigned seats.  The tension in the room can be felt by all parties.

Exactly at two o’clock, the bailiff comes into the room and announces the judge’s entry to the court.  Everyone stands for the protocol.

Seated at the table he uses as his bench, Judge Thomas scans the parties sitting before him.  He coughs before he starts to speak.
“In the civil action of Tyler Martin vs. the Peters family and the Circle J ranch:

Monday, November 21, 2011

Chapter Fifty-Three Day in Court

After breakfast they have a meeting scheduled at the lawyers’ office.  Scott sits through the meeting without feeling any better than when they arrived.  Joan and Tyler believe some of what the lawyers tell them.  Only God knows how this will turn out.

Following their meeting they decide to walk around Salt Lake to ease the tension the three of them feel.  For as much as you believe you are right; you never know what a judge will decide.  After all judges are not God; who will give out everything the way you expect him.  Even God doesn’t do that all the time.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Chapter Fifty-Two March 26th-29th

As he makes his last statement they are standing in front of the mill office.  The office isn’t very large and there are two men working inside making decisions on log cuts and whatever else they need to do.

“Let’s go inside and see what we can find out about the real cost of this project.”

As they enter the room one of the men says, “Can we help you folks?”

“Yes, I have a quote from a store owner, for the plans I intend to show you.  You must have some kind of system to file quotes.  I don’t want you to re-do the work you have already done.  Just want to make sure he’s not ripping me off.”

Smiling the man says, “Well I’ll be damned, we got us a smart one here Todd.  Not many people take the time to come into town and come to the mill to see if they’re getting fleeced.

“Let’s see your drawings there young fellow and see if we can save you some money.”

Jacob looks at Tyler’s drawings and says, “Yeah, I remember doing this quote.  You are over Silver Lake’s way, right.”

“Yes, we are!” speaks Joan.

Jacob immediately backs off a bit having a woman confront him as she just did.  Being a Mormon he is used to woman being more subdued.   
Let me dig into my files and look up what we quoted the guy.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Chapter Fifty-One March 20th

“Boys at the mill are impressed with your drawings.  Said it made their work easier to figure what you will need.

“Here is a list of materials they say you will need, it includes lumber, nails, shingles for the roof, dimensions of standard window enclosures for window openings so you don’t have to cut different sizes, something new they have to put on the roof before you lay the shingles to keep out any rain or snow, equipment for a kitchen: stove and piping, drains, pump, a sink, and materials to build the fireplace for heating and cooking.  Plus the tools you would need for four men.”

Scott and Tyler are looking over the list of materials.  Scott nods to Tyler indicating he is satisfied with the materials list.

“What’s this going to cost, Randy?” 

“They told me $3,300 hundred dollars including lumber to build the barn and oh, yes, I almost forgot the latrines.”

“Can they have it available by mid April?”

“That won’t be a problem so long as you pay them by the end of this month.”

“How much is in this figure for your fee?”

Randy gets a little red faced and says, “Just a little to cover my time to Salt Lake twice and be on your site to make sure it’s all there when it arrives.”
“I have to be in Salt Lake on the 27th; I’ll stop at the mill and talk this over with them.  If I feel satisfied, I’ll go to the bank and get them their money.  If I think your fee is reasonable I’ll let you handle everything.  If not then you and I need to talk some more.”

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chapter Fifty Word from the Court

Inside the general store Heather hands Scott a letter from the attorney firm Anderson and Anderson.  She says, “Tyler has a letter from the same firm, I wonder why?”

Scott doesn’t reply to Heather and Tyler walks into the door at the same moment.

Tyler, I have a letter for you from Salt Lake.  Do you want to read it here?”

“No, I’ll take it back to the ranch with me.  Are our supplies ready so we can load and head back?”

“Randy is just finishing up with Scott.  Scott received a letter from the same firm, I thought that very curious.”

“If he wants to tell me about it, he will.”  Nosey sort isn’t she?

Scott looks like he wants to open the letter right now but is hesitant to do so. 

“Scott, why don’t we load up and you can read your letter as we ride back.  I’ll drive the team.”

Clearing his head, “Oh, good idea.” 
Tyler can see that the up coming court case has unnerved Scott to some degree.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Chapter Forty-Nine Carla's Family's Answer

Pedro pulls his horse to a stop and dismounts.  Holding the ends of the reins in his hands he gives his sister a hard hug.

“Easy there big brother, don’t break my back, now.”

“You can handle it, my sister,” he says laughing.  “Let me get my horse some water then we can talk.”

“Why don’t you unsaddle him and put him in the corral with the others.  Can’t you stay for awhile; I will make you something to eat.”

“Where are the others?  It is Saturday and I expected to see them here at the house.”

“On Saturdays, they work the herds in the morning.  They will be back shortly after the noon hour.  I usually plan a big meal mid-day on Saturday so you can join us if you want.  But first you must tell me what you came to tell Tyler.”
Teasing his sister, Pedro says, “Let me take care of the horse first then I will tell you.”  He watches Carla get all excited with anticipation.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Chapter Forty-Eight Back to the Ranch

By the time Carla and Tyler arrive at the S&R, it was nearly sunset and Joan was clearing off the dinner table.  She spots them as they ride near the house and head for the barn.  Running outside she yells, “How did it go?”

Carla speaks as she dismounts from her horse and replies, “It went well.  We will know by the end of the week if they have enough people for what Tyler needs.”

Tyler hollers over, “Let me take care of the horses then I will come inside to discuss what happened.”

“Carla come inside so I can put out some dinner for you.”

“Where is your father?”

“He finished dinner quickly; I think this lawsuit has him worried.  Why I don’t know but it seems to.  I believe he’s up in his office.”

“Joan, please help Tyler with the horses, I’ll go see your father and put out dinner for Tyler and me.  I don’t want to eat until he is done.”

Carla goes into the house and up the stairs to Scott’s office.  “We’re back, Scott.  Things went well, we should know for sure by the end of the week.  They liked him.

“Are you going to sit up here or come downstairs and join us?”

“I’ll be down.  I just realized today, that I’m not used to you being away.  I felt strange.”

“I understand, you’re too used to me being around and now you don’t want me to leave.”

“Why would I?  I want to marry you,” he says with a big smile.

Carla comes over to his chair and puts her arms around him and gives him a long warm kiss.   “Will that one hold you for awhile?”

“A short while,” he laughs.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Chapter Forty-Seven Carla's Relatives

Just around noon time Carla and Tyler arrive near the outskirts of Silver Lake where Mexican families own land and farm.  Carla sees her two brothers and their wives watching to see who is arriving.

She yells out to them, “Miguel, you have visitors.”

“What do I owe this honor to my dear sister?”

“I felt it is time I visit and now I bring with me someone who will provide you with some money you weren’t expecting.”

Carla and Tyler dismount, Miguel and Pedro his brother shake hands with Tyler.  Then they hug their sister very affectionately.  “Come we were just preparing to have the noon meal.  You must be hungry from your traveling.”
Carla forewarned Tyler that when he is offered something to eat he should at least try a little bit of what it is.  Otherwise the women will be insulted.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This is amazing!

Only released two and a half months ago, Gateway to Terror, has two five star reviews on Amazon and one five star review on Barnes and Noble.  Sales are doing well and I will need to order more books for the upcoming fairs Linda and I are scheulded to do this fall.  The Barnes and Noble reader said she wants more from me as a writer.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Chapter Forty-Five Virginia Returns

Virginia Peters’ trip takes three and a half weeks from the time she left Boston to the time she arrives in Salt Lake.  She’s worn the same clothes for the last three days and she is fit to be tied by her inconveniences.  When she steps off the stage at the relay station she looks around and doesn’t see Matt waiting for her.  She begins to get angry.

As Henry is helping the stagecoach driver with the luggage she asks him, “Where is Matt, he is supposed to be picking me up?”

“I haven’t seen Matt since the day you left to go east.”

“Damn him, how does he expect me to get to the ranch?  What kind of son is he?”

Henry goes on, “He could be having some kind of difficulty, Virginia.  I can arrange for someone to take you home.  It won’t cost much to get you a driver.”

“Cost much, where is that western hospitality I keep hearing?”

“Its called wages that must be paid and you should understand better than anyone else having ranch hands that need to get paid.”  Henry can’t stand her high and mighty attitude.

“Just get me home and I’ll pay for it.  Virginia doesn’t want to talk about it.”

“As soon as I get this coach on the way I will find someone to get you out of here.”  The sooner you leave the happier I will be.  What a bitch!   

Monday, September 26, 2011

Chapter Forty-Six Obtaining Help

Virginia Peters stands alone near the graves behind the barn.  “Damn you, John.  You went and got yourself killed and involved our son.  What were you thinking man?  Now all of what you have already built may be lost because of your stupidity.”  She walks back to the house with tears in her eyes shed only for her oldest son.

Virginia knows she has to hold this ranch together until she can get more help and finds an attorney who will save their property.  She plans to have a bigger dinner than usual for the hands.  Even though Matt knows how to cook I’m sure they haven’t had a decent meal cooked by a woman since I left.  Tonight I have to do a little selling and the best way they say to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Amazon Reviews on Sequel

Released two months ago, Gateway to Terror has received two five star reviews on

There is one review from a man and one from a woman. 

The book is available hardcover, softcover and e-book.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Chapter Forty-Four Aftermath

In the commandant’s office Captain Hardy listened to the reports of Lieutenant Kelly and Sergeant Dinsmore.  For a few minutes he says nothing, then he begins.  “Gentlemen, it appears to the three of us that this Peters family has been murdering settlers and trying to blame it on the Indians.  Why I can’t say for sure yet, however if they were still alive today, I would send you go back with a troop and arrest them.  Folks of their persuasion we don’t need here on the prairie.  I tend to believe this is all over with and the Indians were only acting to protect the Reynolds family and their ranch hands.  Therefore I am considering this a closed matter.  You may return to your regular duties here at the fort.”

Both the Lieutenant and the Sergeant salute the captain and exit his office.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Chapter Forty-Three Legal Shock

He puts the wheel barrel down and starts walking towards the house where the rider is headed.  “Can I help you?”

“I’m looking for John Peters Sr., is he around?”

“That’s my pa; he passed away a couple of days ago.  Why are you looking for him?”

“Is your mother around?”

“You haven’t answered my question, mister.  No, my mother and my sister are back east right now.”

“Well, since you seem to be the next family member around, I’ll answer your question by giving you this.”

The man steps down from his horse and stretches before he hands Matt an envelope.

“Can you tell me what this is all about?”

“Do you read young man?”

“Yes, I can read, why?”

“It’s important then, that you read those papers, your property and your family have two civil law claims against them.  Someone will have to appear in court in three months to explain your side of the circumstances or you will forfeit your rights and lose the cases.”

“What, I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“It’s all legal young man.  My job is to deliver the paperwork and that’s all I am responsible for.  Good day!”  The man remounts his horse turns it back towards the road and moves off.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Show schedules for the remainder of 2011 for Joe and Linda

Show Schedule – Linda Feinberg & Joe Smiga – Fall 2011

For more information: 603-645-6762;

Saturday, October 22, 2011

9:00 – 2:00

The Huntington at Nashua

138 Spit Brook Road

Nashua, NH

Saturday, November 5, 2011

9:30 – 2:30

Brookside Church

2013 Elm Street

Manchester, NH

Saturday, November 19, 2011

9:00 – 3:00

Cooperative Middle School

100 Academic Way

Stratham, NH

Saturday, December 3, 2011

9:00 – 3:00

Hudson Memorial School

1 Memorial Drive

Hudson, NH 03051

Saturday, December 3, 2011

7:00 – 9:00 pm

Temple Beth Abraham

Nashua, NH

Also displaying art in December

at Yoga Studio

135 Hooksett Road

Manchester, NH

Cards, Prints & Art by Linda:
Books by Joe Smiga:

Chapter Forty-Two Conversations

Lieutenant Kelly and the sergeant leave the S&R shortly after having breakfast the next morning.  The hospitality they received was greatly appreciated.

As they ride off the property the sergeant says, “What do you make of that entire conversation last night lieutenant?”

“I think I believe everything they’ve told us.  Don’t seem to be any reason for them to lie about it.  All of them confirmed the same details pretty much so I don’t think they were making false statements.”

“I tend to agree with what you said.  Are we heading right back to the fort or are we still going to meet with the town council members?”

“Our orders are to meet with the town council members too.  Maybe we won’t get to see all of them but we need to make an effort so the captain is satisfied.  I particularly want to talk with the stage relay manager who headed the search party for the sheriff and the blacksmith who spoke of the v-groove on the hoof mark.”
“What about the shooting of the father, are we going to investigate that too?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Chapter Forty-One More Troubles for Matt

“I’m going to stop the wagon and give you the reins.  I don’t know how the father’s death is going to affect anyone we see.  I just want to be prepared.”

Joshua hands over the reins to Andy and reaches in back and brings his rifle around front.

Andy moves the horse ahead slowly coming closer to the ranch house.

Matt sees them coming and wonders what is going on.  He steps out of the house and not recognizing them hollers out, “You need directions or something.  This is Circle J property.”

Joshua learned his name before he left town.  “Matt, my name is Joshua from Silver Lake.  I’m sorry to bring you bad news, your father died in town two days ago; I have his body here for burial.”

Friday, August 26, 2011

Exciting Review of Gateway to Terror

If you click onto Bruces Mideast Soundbites listed over on Other Interesting Links you will connect with Bruce's Review of my sequel to Behind the Lies. 

Gateway to Terror was recently released for publication and is book two of a trilogy.

I hope you will take the time to look at the review and possibly purchase the book.  It is available hardcover, softcover and e-book.  You can purchase it at Amazon, Barnes and Noble or your local bookstore.

You can also make a purchase from  my publishers website listed in the upper left hand corner of this site. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chapter Forty Riding Back

Inside of the house, Joan and Carla want to know what happened at the council meeting.  “Did they understand what happened and more important did they accept your explanations?”

“Yeah, they accepted our explanations, especially after Henry commented on the groove mark found at the ravine where the sheriff was killed and the blacksmith identifying the same type of groove on Johnny’s horse when he re-shoed his horse for him one time.  Still I guess it’s hard for everyone to accept that the largest ranch owner in the area is out killing off his neighbors,” says Scott.


“Then what?”  asks Joan.

Tyler looks off beyond Joan’s shoulders knowing she is not going to like what she will hear next.

Scott goes on, “As we were leaving Maggie’s to get our horses, John Peters steps out from behind the livery stable and threatens us.”

“Like what kind of threat, dad?”
“That he is going to kill us for killing his son and for Tyler taking his land which was the Martin’s property.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Chapter Thirty-Nine Peter's Revenge

Halfway across the street, the see a figure walk out from behind the livery.

“Hold it right there you murderers!”

Tyler is closest to John Sr.  He sees John is probably drunk from the night before.  Drunken men can still kill you.

“Who are you talking to, John?”

“You Martin, I heard you own their property now.  How did you manage to do that?  I should have been able to claim that land.  It doesn’t belong to anyone else.”

“John, go sleep it off.  You’ve been through enough.  Go get your wits about you before you get hurt.”

“You’re the one who is going to get hurt for killing my son and taking land that should belong to me.”

“Scott move off, get away from me.  If he fires I don’t want to have to worry about you.”

“I can move and distract him, maybe that will work?

“No, this man is not going to stop until one or both of us are dead.”

Scott starts moving off from behind Tyler.  John’s eyes watch him looking for any move on his part to draw.
Inside of Maggie’s, the general store and elsewhere along the street people are watching to see what is going on.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Chapter Thirty-Eight Meeting the Council

As they near the stage station, Henry comes out the door and says, “What brought you two out in this terrible weather?”

“We’re meeting with the council tonight,” says Scott.

“Oh, something must be real important if you came out in this.”

“I need this to go out on the mail run with the next stage, Henry.  It is addressed to the commandant of the fort,” states Tyler.

“Henry, you’ll hear the whole story tonight if you’re at the meeting,” remarks Scott.

“I’ll be there.  Something tells me this is pretty big.  Especially after the rumors I hear coming from what John Peters is saying every night in the saloon after he has too many.”
“See you then Henry, thanks for your help,” replies Tyler.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Chapter Thirty-Seven Onto the Circle J

Carla and Joan are happy to prepare food for the men.  Although each of them is wondering how they can eat after the killings just happened.  Even Little Dove has no problem eating.  Feeding eight braves, Little Dove, Scott, Tyler and Mike is a lot of work.  When everyone has their fill, they just look at what everyone devoured.  Carla looks at Joan and each of them realize this is not the same culture their women folk are used to being raised in.

As the men are finished, White Cloud directs his braves to get their mounts and meet where the other horses are tied.  He chooses not to use the word bodies.

Scott on the other hand directs Mike to stay around instead of riding the range and to clean up the bunk house.  Scott doesn’t want the women to have to deal with any blood and excrement.

As the braves are heading for their horses, Scott and Tyler head to the barn to saddle their mounts.

Monday, July 18, 2011

New Release Press Release

Novel Explores the Horrors That a New Level of Terrorism Can Bring

Author pens the gripping sequel to his thriller “Behind the Lies”

MANCHESTER, N.H. – (July 14, 2011) – Twelve years after 9/11, the United States will experience a level of terrorism it has never felt before. Working in plain sight, Iranian agents posing as businessmen develop, plot, and create a network of horrific events in conjunction with cells that have been planted here decades ago. Readers can witness the intriguing events unravel in Gateway to Terror, a novel authored by Joe Smiga.

This gripping book, the second of an exciting trilogy, is based on Smiga’s imagination, and depicts how today’s terrorists could use everyday routines to cause harm and destruction within the nation. It portrays the continuous efforts of radical Islamic terrorists whose main goal is to instill fear and destruction into people’s lives and the lives of their loved ones.

The sequel to Behind the Lies, Gateway to Terror illustrates how vulnerable people are to simplistic methods even with all of our technology. The statement, “If there is a will, there is a way,” is proven true in this thriller. Readers will be shocked at what could possibly come true someday.

The book is available through local bookstores, Amazon and Barnes & Noble online or directly from the publisher at:  The book is available hardcover, softcover and e-book.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Chapter Thirty-Six Riders on the Way

White Cloud moves out from under his buffalo blanket and feels the cool night air upon his body.  He moves over to the boundary they had set up for their camp and he sees two riders coming in at a full run.

As Painted Pony pulls up to him he jumps off his mount.  “Man who watches ranch and five more riders coming.  They carry bows and quivers.”

“How far behind you are they?”

“They were at a slow run when we left.  We galloped most of the way here.” 

“I figure they will be here to set up before day break.  It should give us an hour to figure our plan.  Go take care of your horses and return.”

He tells the sentry to wake up those who haven’t been woken by the riders.  When they are fully awake he tells them to make some soil paint to blacken their skin.  The time has come for them to act.”
By the time the braves have covered their bare skin areas with dirt from the soil, Painted Pony and the other brave have taken care of their horses and staked them out.  Now they make a circle and White Cloud tells them what he wishes to do.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Chapter Thirty-Five Conversations Continue

“I think it’s time for me to say what I have known for a long time now.  When I arrived at the Evan’s ranch, I found where the raiding party tied their mounts.  All of them were shod horses and one in particular had a v-groove in a hind shoe.  The next day in front of the saloon I found the same shoe mark on a red roan tied to the hitching rail.  Going inside to strike up conversation to see who owned that horse I learned that Johnny Peters owned the roan.  There were similar markings where the shooter who killed the sheriff tied his mount, according to Henry.  Scott you told me about the same type of groove White Cloud showed you when I was shot.  There is a pattern here that tells me we’re not dealing with Indians or renegades even though the Martins and Evans were killed with arrows.

“If we haven’t been aware of the braves then maybe there are numerous other things we are not aware of.  For instance, how is it that only the neighbors of the Peters’ property have been attacked.  Who is next on their agenda?”

Mike goes on, “Are you accusing the Peters of the raids on the Martins and the Evans?”

“Yes, one or more of their family is planning to move and expand their ranch.  There is no law out here and the army can’t watch over everything.  Their main responsibility is protecting federal law not local law.”

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Chapter Thirty-Four Getting Close

“Little Dove you are in for a treat.  No one makes a better taco dinner than Carla.”  He walks up to Carla and gives her a quick peck on her left check.

Little Dove just smiles as she is not used to seeing public displays of affection among her people.  She thinks it is nice.

“Scott, Little Dove wants to tell you something.”

“Something good I hope.”  “Not exactly.”

Little Dove begins to tell Scott exactly what she told Carla.  While Carla continues to prepare the taco shells and the different fillings she will place inside of them.
When she finishes, Scott looks at Carla and says, “I have been suspecting something to happen for awhile now.  Not sure where it’s coming from but I think Little Dove is right.  If we are dealing with murdering marauders, I want everyone including Mike sleeping in the house.  We’ll talk about it together over dinner.”

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Chapter Thirty-Three Trip Back East

Later that afternoon John Sr. sees Johnny heading into the barn.  “Johnny, your mother and sister are planning a trip back east.  They’ll be leaving tomorrow.  Wait another day before you do the hit.  I don’t want your mother wondering why you aren’t around so early in the morning when she is leaving.”

“Who’s going to cook for us?”  Said in the same manner his father did.   

“Your brother Matt will be cooking.  She has it all worked out with him.  He is taking them to the stage.”

“How long are they going to be gone?  I mean, she’s never done this before.”

“Some day you’ll learn that women can come up with the strangest ideas, son.”
Johnny turns and heads out to find Lester and tell him to instruct the boys they would be going out a day later.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Exciting News

Last week, I forwarded to my publisher the manuscript for my fourth book.  It is the sequel to Behind the Lies and titled, "Gateway to Terror."  Once they edit the mauscript and I check it out the book will go into production.  I anticipate it will be available the end of September or early October.

Chapter Thirty-Two Coming Together

While eating their breakfast in the encampment, White Cloud notices five riders coming towards them.  A little puzzled he realizes they are from his tribe but he only asked for four extra braves.
Approaching closer, he sees the fifth rider is his sister Little Dove.
“What brings you out here, sister?”
“Your message to father told me things were going to be happening.  I could not stand by without helping.”
“Helping, what do you expect to do?”
“Joan has given me an open invitation to come and spend some time with them.  I am going to take her up on it.”
“If something happens, I have you to worry about as well.”
“Dear brother with you out here I don’t have any worries,” as she rides off towards the ranch.
The eight braves just look at each other nodding their heads at the squaw riding off who acts like a man.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Chapter Thirty One Legal Papers

Joan hitches up the buckboard with two horses and moves them out to the front of the house.  Scott comes out to speak with her.  “Here’s the list of items you need to pick up at the general store.  This way it’s not too obvious that you’re looking for mail.”
“It’s supposed to be addressed to me so I don’t think anyone is going to get too curious.  They should assume I will be expecting it.  Anyway it’s good to be cautious.”
“Do you want me to go along with you?”
“No dad, I’ve always made these trips alone before.  What happened to Tyler seems to me very deliberate.  I don’t think anyone is out looking for me.”
“God, I hope not.  You take care; do you want to take a rife along with you?”
“I already have one tucked inside of the foot boards near my legs.”
“That’s my daughter, good thinking.”
            Joan waves as she moves the buckboard out of the yard.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Chapter Thirty A Month Later

Following dinner back at the Circle J, Johnny grabs his father’s elbow and says, “We need to talk outside.”  John Sr. looks at him suspiciously and says, “I’ll follow you.”

“In town Sam mentioned that the Reynolds’ rider is regaining his health.  Jake told us that the council is writing the governor requesting a federal marshal until they can find a replacement for a sheriff.”

“That won’t happen right away if I know the governor.  But it’s something we have to be concerned about.  It’s almost seven months now that we hit the Martin’s place.  With the Reynolds’ rider regaining his strength we need to move on them soon before he can be an asset to them.  I want you to start scouting their place so we can hit them in a couple of weeks.”
“Are we going to use the same tactics as before?”  “Yes!”

Monday, May 16, 2011

Chapter Twenty-Nine After Salt Lake

Anxiously both Joan and Carla take seats around Tyler.
He begins with arriving in Salt Lake and seeing how large a community it is compared to what he is familiar with.  He realizes Joan may have seen it before but he is sure Carla has never been there.  Then he goes into how they met with Attorney Anderson, who drafted the will for his aunt and uncle.  He tells them his last name is Martin.  He explains how he had to answer a list of questions for the attorney to be sure that he was their nephew.  Stopping for a moment to really digest the reality of what is going on; Tyler tells them about the Martin’s property being willed to him, along with their herd and horses if he can ever locate them.  He tells them there is some money willed to him from their savings located in the bank of Salt Lake but doesn’t say the amount as he wants to keep his personal business private other than Scott and Joan.  He will tell Joan the amount at a later time if she doesn’t hear it from her father first.
Both women sit there a little stunned.  Neither one of them knows what to say for a moment.
Carla is the first to speak.  “Will you be leaving us?”
“Not right away.  I need to wait for the papers to be filed on the title of the property.  I did change over the names on the account to mine yesterday but I left the money in the bank.   Joan, the lawyer will be sending the papers in your name at the general mail box at the storekeeper’s.  Your dad felt it would be safer for anyone to see something coming to you from an attorney than something addressed to me.”
Joan finally is able to say something.  “I think that’s a good idea.”
“I thought so too.”
“After I receive the papers which could take up to a month to get, I need to ride the property and make sure I know the boundaries.  The property is fifteen hundred acres.”
            “Oh, my God,” says Carla.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Gateway to Terror

I don't usually post on my husband's blog, but I had to share my comments about Joe's new book that will be out in the fall. I have just finished proofreading the draft, tentatively titled "Gateway to Terror". This is the second book of a trilogy which started with "Behind the Lies".  It continues where he left off with the three terrorist agents still alive.  They become the main characters in this book, but now they are in America, planning more terrorist activities.

While proofreading is not an enjoyable activity, I did enjoy the plot and writing more on this book. Joe's writing has improved as he becomes a more experienced writer, and I found the characters and plot interesting.  We have put together a draft cover (from my photos) and will continue to work on it. The book goes to publishing in June, then Joe and I get to proofread the galleys. It should be available in the fall.

Photo below is just a hint of how these terrorist agents get into the U.S.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Chapter Twenty-Eight Heading for Salt Lake

After breakfast and the horses are tended to, Joan hitches up the buckboard while Scott and Mike help Tyler down the stairs and outside.  Carla has an assortment of blankets and pillows for him to be comfortable. 

Scott and Mike help Tyler onto the buckboard, then he and Joan climb onto the driver’s seat.  Scott takes the reins and drives the horses at a slower than normal pace so as not to toss Tyler around.  Mike rides ahead. 

“Don’t you think we might be overdoing this a little dad?”

“I want everyone who sees us to think he has some real problems and isn’t healing too well.  It’s amazing that he has been able to keep the truth from Mike for so long.

“He’s done a good job at that and I know one thing for sure. Whoever killed his relatives and took a shot at him is in for a surprise when he finds them, if he ever does.”

“I have no doubt that he will someday.  Tyler is a very determined man.”

“Do you think he can hear us?” 

“No, why, I think he’s asleep.”

“I think you like him, don’t you?”

Joan doesn’t respond for a couple of minutes, looking at her father she says, “Yes, I guess I do.  Don’t know if he feels the same way though.”

“He’s been through a lot lately and has a lot on his mind.  I’ve been watching his eyes though since I noticed you caring for him.  I would bet the ranch that he does.”

“What are you trying to do, get me married off?”

“Heck no, it’s just that when you see a good man, you hope your daughter finds one like him.  After all, those two ladies from town never came to visit you before he got shot.  Think about it.  They’re interested in him too, don’t you think they’re not.”

“Oh dad, it’s just your imagination.”

Monday, May 2, 2011

Chapter Twenty-Seven Third Week in October

The patrol with a lieutenant, a sergeant and ten soldiers ride down the street and stop near the general store. “Sergeant, have one of your men go inside to ask who we can speak with from the town council if they have one.”

“Jennings go inside and find out who the lieutenant can speak with.”

Randy accompanies the private out the door and looks up at the lieutenant from the walkway. “I’m one of the council members officer, what can I do for you?”

“Sir, our fort commander directed us to stop by as we were patrolling to see if you are still dealing with attacks on your settlements. Captain Hardy is very concerned since your sheriff was murdered.”

“After that, we haven’t had any attacks, lieutenant. Please tell your captain that we appreciate his concern.”

“Alright then, I will put that into my report, thank you sir.”

Lieutenant Kirby turns his patrol around and heads back up the street. As they ride slowly by Jessica’s house, she is standing outside. “Are you here to check on the shootings?”

“We just did ma’am and the storekeeper advised me that there were none since the sheriff was killed. I will put that in my report.”

“Oh, he didn’t mention one of the local ranchers had one of his men shot out on the range.”

The lieutenant raises his hand to halt the column. “Say again please.”

“About four or five weeks ago, one of our local ranch hands was shot out of the saddle. Fortunately he survived.”

“He never said a word about that. Thank you.

“Sergeant, stay here with the men, I am going back to the general store.”

“Do you want a couple of men to come with you sir?”

“I don’t think that will be necessary. Wait for me here.”

Riding back to the general store, Lieutenant Kirby stops in front and dismounts tying his horse to the hitching post. He straightens his uniform and saber on his belt then walks into the store.

Randy watches him walk through the door and wonders what is going on.

Lieutenant Kirby says, “May I ask you sir, why you neglected to mention the shooting on one of your local ranches?”

Randy stiffens up and looks at Heather. “Probably, because the shooting is not council business, lieutenant. We never heard what the cause of that was; the only thing we know is that the ranch hand survived.”

“The army is responsible for the territory, sir. I need to give my commanding officer a complete report. If ever we come through again please remember to give us a full report and let us decide what is important or not.”

“Sure, I’ll remember.”

Lieutenant Kirby turns, heads outside to mount his horse and swings up the street to meet his troop.

“Did he say why he didn’t lieutenant?”

“He made a lame excuse that it isn’t town council business. I made sure he fully understands we want a full report and we would decide what is important.”

“Nice going, sir. I wish I could have seen his face.”

“Sergeant, his wife saw it, I think that was embarrassing enough for him, move the troops out.”

Monday, April 25, 2011

Chapter Twenty-Six Scott's Plan

“When you sent me to town to find out what happened to the sheriff, I talked to the blacksmith the second day I was there. Before I left after questioning him, I asked him if he had ever seen a mark like that, saying that I had seen it a long time ago. He told me that some blacksmiths use a template to hold a shoe in place as they work it. This creates a v in the shoe. He also said he hadn’t seen it in years. That’s all I can tell you right now.”

Scott looks at Joan. “I haven’t told anyone this. White Cloud showed me the tracks of the rider who turned when he and Little Dove came upon Tyler. They couldn’t identify the rider but his horse has a definite v shape in a hind hoof.”

“Dad, are you saying Johnny, shot Tyler?”

“Based on what Tyler just said, I would say Johnny could be a prime suspect in all of this. Can we prove it, is another thing? If we start talking about the v on the shoe, he can easily replace it.”

“His father being the biggest rancher around here is going to pack a lot of weight if we try and build a case,” remarks Tyler. “I haven’t said anything because who is going to believe some ranch hand who has only been around a couple of months. I’m also thinking that maybe he’s not in this alone.”

Monday, April 18, 2011

Chapter Twenty-Five A Week Later

He knows that he cannot go on without getting some assistance from the Scotts. No one knows that he is the heir to the property yet, someone; probably Johnny Peters has tried to kill him. If it becomes public knowledge he will be in greater jeopardy. He decides he must talk with the Scotts and level with them.

He hears a knock on the door and says, “Come in.”

Joan is standing there with a smile on her face. “It seems that you are starting to get around on your own. That’s wonderful. You need to take it slow so your wound heals and any internal bruising has time to heal.”

“Joan, everyone has been wonderful to me. I’m not used to this kind of treatment. I feel a little awkward, not just because I’m injured.”

“Look Tyler, you have friends here, we care what happens to you. I was surprised Jessica and Maggie rode out here to see you. I’m glad they did but that was the first time they ever took the trip. It shows that a number of people like what they see in you.

“I want you to heal completely before you attempt to do any riding. No one is forcing you to get back to work. We’ve made it before you came with just dad, me and Mike.”

Monday, April 11, 2011

Chapter Twenty-Four Telling Their Father

Near sundown the third day of riding, White Cloud and Little Dove enter their tribe’s camp. Their father is stepping out from their teepee. He waves to them. Returning the wave, they move further along the camp to the rear of the teepee where they will bind the horses. Dismounting they look at each other and realize they have to relive this whole wild episode again.

Coming to the front where their father is waiting for them, White Cloud says, “The ride you sent us on was not a quiet ride.”

His father seeing that his son is serious and not joking says, “What do you mean, what happened?”

“We need to eat first, we are tired.” says White Cloud, “Then we will talk.”

Little Dove moves into the teepee, she knows her mother will be preparing dinner as they speak. She will help her mother while her brother and her father talk.

Running Bear looks at his son, “You don’t seem the worse for wear; the ride couldn’t have been too difficult?”

“No, my father, it was not too difficult, although you did not notice the blood on Little Dove’s buckskins.”

“Come let us sit, we can share some cold drink while we wait for the women to prepare the meal.”

Inside the teepee, Shining Star, Little Dove’s mother asks her, “Where did the blood come from on your buckskins?”