Monday, November 29, 2010

Chapter Six Circle J Ranch

One hour after Joan and Tyler arrive at the S&R ranch, Johnny and his boys ride onto Circle J property. Circle J is the largest spread in the county. It is very close to five thousand acres in size. There are approximately seven hundred head of cattle grazing within its boundaries. Eight ranch hands maintain the herd, including two sons. There is one daughter along with their parents.

All six of the riders head for the corral. When they dismount, Johnny says to Les their foreman, “Take care of my mount then take the boys out to see what needs to be done for the rest of the day. I’m going inside to speak with my dad.” With that said he turns to head into the big house.

Hurriedly Johnny begins walking up the steps to the house, John Sr. opens the door and says, “You’re late, and where the hell have you been?”

“I had some business to take care of in town. Then we headed straight here. Why, what’s the problem?”

“How did things go, or aren’t you ready to discuss that yet?”

“Dad, let’s go inside, we need to talk where everyone can’t hear us.”

Angrily, John Sr. steps back inside the door and both he and Johnny head across the large living room to an office in the back of the house. Stepping inside, John Sr. moves to sit behind his desk and Johnny removes his holster before he sits into one of the chairs positioned around the room.

Johnny doesn’t show that he is pleased his father is uncomfortable when he is not in total control. He deliberately pulls the chair he selected away from the wall very slowly, to be closer to his father’s desk. Someday, this desk along with everything else with it will be mine. Then he looks up at his father.

“Everything went well, with just a couple of minor hitches.”

“Like what kind of minor hitches?” Senior responds.

“You told me you only wanted the parents taken out. Well the daughter recognized me and yelled out my name. Her brother and she were running for the barn when it happened, I knew he heard her. So I decided they couldn’t live.”

“Damn, Johnny, this is going to cause some problems. People tend to accept adults getting killed. When kids are killed, that becomes a different matter.”

“What are the other hitches you’re talking about?”

“Word is already out in town about the raid.”

Monday, November 22, 2010

Chapter Five Heading Back To The S&R

“Dad. This is Tyler, Tyler this is Scott Reynolds owner of the S&R. Well almost no mishaps. That’s how Tyler happens to be here.”
“What do you mean almost no mishaps?”

“When I pulled up in front of the General Store to purchase our supplies this morning, Johnny from the Circle J grabbed my arm as I tried to get off the buckboard. I told him to let go. He refused, so I told him I’ll clobber him with my switch. He said he likes women with a temper. Then I told him he would be sorry if he didn’t. His response was who was there for him to be afraid of.”

“So, what happened next?” questions Scott impatiently.

“Tyler answered him, saying, me. Johnny was stunned; he told Tyler that if he wanted that job he was hiring on for to stay out of his business. Tyler told him that he was making it is business and he could keep his job. You could see Johnny was shocked, his face got beet red having someone actually stand up to him. So since we need another hand I took it upon myself to hire him. I was sure you wouldn’t mind.”

Scott turns to Tyler. “How long have you been a ranch hand, son?”

Monday, November 15, 2010

Chapter Four Checking Around

Leaving the rooming house Tyler heads over to the saloon. Walking through the swinging entrance doors, he notices that a number of pairs of eyes are on him.
Walking up to the bar he asks for a beer.

“Do you want anything else to go with that beer cowboy?”

“No, the beer will be enough for right now. Who owns the red roan out front?”

“Why? She’s not for sale,” a voice speaks from the back table.

“Not in the market to buy, just admiring a good looking horse, that’s all.

“Anyone here work for the Circle J? I’m looking to hire on if there’s work.”

From the same man who replied about the roan, at the back table the new reply comes, “My dad and I are looking for two hands. How long have you been punching cows?”

Sipping his beer slowly, Tyler turns and looks at the man called Johnny. “Since, I was a young teen which is about half my lifetime right now. What are you paying?”

“The usual, you get thirty bucks a month, room and board. We also supply relief horses so you don’t work yours to death. We don’t mind if you do it, just not the horses.” Johnny starts laughing at his own remark and a couple of others follow suit.

Tyler looks around the room watching who sides with Johnny. I wonder if they were on the raid with him yesterday.

Johnny says, “I’m heading back to the ranch tomorrow around mid morning. Meet me out front around ten. You can ride out with me and talk to my dad. I’m sure he’ll hire you.”

Monday, November 8, 2010

Chapter Three Sheriff McLane

“Well, I buried the couple and their two children near one of the corrals yesterday. I wanted to report it to you. I couldn’t find anything to mark the grave, whoever goes out will be able to pick out the spot.”

“What are you doing in these parts stranger?” stated in a negative tone.

“Just looking for some work, is anyone you know hiring a hand?”

“Circle J always seems to be looking for a hand; you can probably find one of their boys over at the saloon. They could tell you.”

“Can you get a hot meal in this town?”

“At the far end of the street on the left hand side is a small place its good with hearty portions.”

“Is there a livery stable I can put up my horse for the night?”

“Right across from where you want to eat is a small stable, just tell Sam, I sent you.”

“Thanks, I’ll go put up my horse and then have something to eat. I’ll try and find one of those Circle J riders you mentioned to see if they are hiring.” Tyler leaves the sheriff’s office with an uneasy feeling.

He is unable to put a finger on it; something seems missing in the way the sheriff isn’t really interested in what happened. Tyler unties Tequila and walks her down to the stable across from the dining establishment.

As he passes some horses tied up in front of the saloon, he notices that one horse’s rear shoe is making marks in the ground with the same indentation he saw where the raiding party tied up their horses. Coincidence could be, but I doubt it. However, that information doesn’t prove a damn thing. Right now it’s something to keep in the back of my head. I’m glad I didn’t mention the shod horses to the sheriff just yet.