Friday, April 24, 2009

Chapter Fifteen One Week Later

“Natan, this is Ariel. It’s a go. When can you and Mark meet with us, Yosef and myself?”

“My, my,” says Schwartz, surprised that decisions on a project of this scale can be made so quickly within the government. But his mind gets on with business. “Ariel, we would definitely want to continue meeting here. We do not want to be seen walking into Mossad headquarters under any circumstances.”

“Certainly. That’s understandable,” says Wattenberg. “When can we meet in Haifa?”

“Next week. What day is good for you?”

Wattenberg checks his calendar. “Let’s make it Wednesday. At 1000 hours?”

“Wednesday, 1000 hours it is.”

Wattenberg and Bergman pull in and park in front of at Hidden Talents at 1000 hours precisely. Schwartz holds the door for them as they enter, and both Schwartz and Silberberg greet the two warmly as they escort them back into the conference room.

When they all are seated, Schwartz leans forward. “Ariel, I never realized the government could react this swiftly. We had assumed it would be weeks, maybe months before we heard back from you.”

“We can when we have to,” says Wattenberg dryly.

“They have accepted our proposal without any questions?” “Silberberg asks, still incredulous. He won’t believe what he’s been hearing without convincing.

“Well, let’s just say that your friend Yosef here put in a very good word for you,” Wattenberg answers. Bergman smiles, nodding.

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