Monday, December 16, 2013

Third Day in Austin

The report Anoush has indicates the men leave their residences anywhere between 8:00 am to 8:30 am.  He arrives at the condo complex at 7:30 am.  He parks near the entrance in order for him to observe when they depart.  What he is looking for is what kind of vehicles they drive.  His plan is to arrive at their office location mid-morning so he can spot the vehicles and memorize the license plates.

From the photos he has the Hezbollah agent leaves first, driving a green Ford Explorer at 8:15.  The Hamas agent leaves twenty minutes later, driving a red Toyota Camry.  If they both drive to their office instead of going in different directions it will make the next part of his surveillance easier.

At ten thirty he parks his car a block away from their office.  He lifts a briefcase off of the passenger seat and walks towards their parking lot.  This will give anyone the impression he is in the lot on business.  As he approaches the office he is pleased to notice both vehicles are there.  He takes his time walking by them to make sure he has the numbers memorized.  Then at the end of the building he goes around back and exits the parking lot from the rear exit.  This is a longer walk back to his car but no one will see him twice.

Entering his car he starts the vehicle to turn on the air conditioner and then records the plate numbers on the pad in his briefcase.

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