Monday, January 10, 2011

Chapter Eleven Heading for the Fort

“Jim, the council met last night and we have decided to take up a recommendation from John Peters.”

Very quickly “Oh! What might that recommendation be?”

“John thinks we should send someone over to Fort Jackson to see if any other community in the territory is having difficulty with Indian raiding parties.”

“And,” long pause.

“And the Council has decided that you are the best man for the job.”

“Well who will act as sheriff while I’m gone? After all, that will be at least a two to three week trip.”

“The Council decided that based on our crime rate we could afford to send you to the fort for that amount of time.”

Jim is wondering if Peters set him up for this or this is strictly the vote of the Council. He knows that in order to keep his job he will have to go. But before he heads to the fort he wants to talk with Peters. This is not going well with him. Peters was probably just bluffing to clear some air around town.

“When am I expected to leave?”

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