Monday, December 13, 2010

Chapter Eight Viewing the Ranch

Mike goes off with his own assignment for the day. He will be working the southeast section of the ranch. Working a section means you check the herds grazing in the area, check water conditions, and check the fencing where there is fencing in case there is any need for repairs.

Joan is saddling up a roan mare who is around fifteen hands high. Tyler watches her and sees that she is very knowledgeable about handling horses.

Tyler gives Tequila a quick brushing and checks her hooves before putting her saddle blanket and saddle on her. Then he places her bit in her mouth and secures her head pieces. He and Joan mount up. Joan sits in a saddle like a man not sidesaddle. They ride out of the corral area and head north by northwest.

Riding side by side, Joan tells Tyler her plan is to show him the boundaries of their property and give him some insight to the size and condition of the cattle herd. Of course not all of the property is fenced in so there are occasional strays that wander on from neighboring lands and some of the Reynolds’ herd does likewise. His job in the future will be to gather those who are wandering and chase off those who don’t belong to them. His biggest responsibility will be to keep Scott appraised of what conditions are in every sector he rides.

“What conditions are you explicitly looking for, Joan?”

“Dad wants to know if you see an unusual amount of predator signs. We’ve lost a number of head to mountain lions in the past. If you spot those signs frequently, he will make a point in doing a hunt. A single lion can do a big number on a herd if left unchecked.

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