Monday, July 12, 2010

Chapter Six Learning About Cornfields

Tova has never experienced running in cornfields before so I am curious how this is going to work out.

When we arrive, Ben tells me he wants to do the open field first and then we can try the corn fields.

It’s fine with me. I’m just happy to have my dog running with one who is experienced. This is something she hasn’t had before. When you run an inexperienced dog with one with experience, the inexperience dog normally picks up things from the experienced dog. Not overnight of course; it is a process that you want to continue.

The open field was pretty muddy that morning as we had numerous days of rain before the season opened. Both dogs did their best slouching through the puddles trying to pick up a scent.

After a half an hour of scouring the fields Sam kicks up a rooster who flies in Ben’s direction. Ben leads it for around forty or more yards then fires. Good shot the bird went down with one round. He calls to Sam to fetch the bird. For some reason Sam doesn’t respond to his command. Tova looks at me and Sam looks at me, I don’t want to send Tova as it is Ben’s bird and his dog should do the retrieving.

After three or four more commands, Sam is still adamant about going where the bird is for some reason. Ben trudges over to where the bird dropped, picks it up, and with a disgusted voice says, “Let’s go over to the cornfields.”

At the cornfields Sam rushes right in amongst the stalks and Tova looks up at the tall eight to ten foot heights and looks at me.

What are these things? They’re too big. I’m afraid!

I can sense her fear and intimidation of the height of the stalks and talk gently to her.

“It’s okay, girl. Go ahead in.”

She continues to look at me and I can see she’s not ready to try it.

Meanwhile Sam is running inside of the corn patch, chasing some birds.

I call Tova over to me and give her a few pats of encouragement. I don’t want this remembered as a bad experience for you.

“Stay with me, Tova. It’s okay. You’ll learn.”

Ben turns around and says, “Force her, she needs to learn.”

“No, she’ll learn on her own; that there’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m not going to force her.”

Tova and I separated from Ben and walked around the perimeter of the cornfield. Ben tried to follow Sam’s paths around the field as well.

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