Monday, June 1, 2009

Chapter Twenty-Six NSA Tracking Capabilities

“Mr. Pres’dent, most of that report’s pretty similar to what we discussed yesterday,” Walker begins. “However, one of our satellite analysts has been watchin’ two human forms for four days now. They travel only durin’ the night.”

John knows enough not to paint the whole picture all at once. The president falls for the bait. “And what’s so special about that?” asks Egan.

“If we weren’t lookin’ for somethin’ covert, possibly from Israel, I’d probably say nothin’. But here we have a team of two, movin’ only under the cover of darkness. They seem to have arrived someplace and it looks like they’ve taken up residence. The place is called Bampur.” He draws the second syllable out like he’s imitating a cat.

“Bampur? What the hell do the Israeli’s know about that we don’t? Allison, does the CIA have any idea?”

“No, sir.”

“John, what does NSA know about this place?”

“Sir, I have to plead ignorance, same as Allison. It just looks like a speck of a farmin’ village with a little bit of water. We don’t have a clue what’s goin’ on there.”

“Well, I suggest we do a little spying of our own with our satellites and eavesdropping skills and see if we can’t find out what the Israelis seem so anxious to learn.”

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