Monday, June 29, 2009

Chapter Thirty-Five Leaving No Traces

Aboard the Renewal, the radio shack records the encrypted message and notifies the captain he’s needed; high priority messages must be signed for. Captain Katz makes his way down from the control room and enters the radio room.

Reading the message, he smiles. They did it again, he thinks, then advises the radioman to send out an encrypted confirmation and log the message.

Leaving the radio room he heads back to the control room. Entering, he advises his XO and the navigator to set course for the coordinates in the message he hands them. “I want us there at 0130, to pick up the team at 0200,” he tells them. “XO, have Greenberg and Michaelson meet you and me in the wardroom at 1500. I want to go over the pickup with them personally.”

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