Friday, March 12, 2010

Chapter Ninety-Eight Kilos Arrive

It is the fourth day since the beginning of the uprisings on Israel’s borders. The communiqué sent from Iran to the Kilos instructed them to fire their missiles at 2400 hours GMT on the fourth day from a distance of three hundred kilometers from their targets. They were told to only fire one missile, provided the launch was successful. Their instructions explicitly told them not to assess the missile in flight or its impact, just to move out of the area immediately, and of course, they are not to attempt communications until they are two thousand miles from the enemy’s shores. They are to protect the Kilos at all costs. None of the captains know their missiles carry nuclear warheads.

Admiral Smith is conferring with Vice-Admiral Dan Peterson, Commander of the Atlantic Fleet, and Vice-Admiral Kevin O’Rourke, Commander of the Pacific Fleet, from the Situation Room.

Looking at each other on screens providing satellite visuals, Admiral Smith says, “Admirals, what do you know at this point about the locations of the Kilos?”

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