Monday, February 4, 2013

Late Sunday Afternoon

Early the next morning Allison McDonald asks her secretary to call Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv to speak with Ariel Wattenberg.

When Ariel is on the line, he says, “I received a message you called previously.  I’m sorry I was unable to return your call.”

“No problem, actually I’m glad you didn’t return my call while you were probably away from the office.  Do you have some time?  I need to discuss a very interesting incident?”

“Right now I’m about to head into a meeting, let me call you back in say about an hour.”

“Thank you, I’ll wait for your call.” 

*     *     *   

At nine in the morning Hamid is standing outside of the bank that his funds are deposited in.  He patiently waits for someone to open the doors.  The front door is unlocked and the five individuals waiting outside enter the bank.  Hamid walks over to the information desk and asks to meet with a bank officer.  The receptionist tells him someone will be with him momentarily.  She asks if he would like coffee.   He declines and takes a seat.

Hamid’s wait is only five minutes.  A young man approaches him and invites him into his office.  Hamid is impressed the employees of the bank are all dressed in colorful outfits.  This is totally different from banks in Iran.

The young man directs Hamid to a seat in front of his desk.  “What may I do for you, sir?”
Hamid hands him the account number.  The young man brings it up on his monitor.  Hamid can tell the officer is impressed with the balance by the look on his face.  “May I see some kind of identification, please?”  Hamid passes over his passport.

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