Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chapter Forty Riding Back

Inside of the house, Joan and Carla want to know what happened at the council meeting.  “Did they understand what happened and more important did they accept your explanations?”

“Yeah, they accepted our explanations, especially after Henry commented on the groove mark found at the ravine where the sheriff was killed and the blacksmith identifying the same type of groove on Johnny’s horse when he re-shoed his horse for him one time.  Still I guess it’s hard for everyone to accept that the largest ranch owner in the area is out killing off his neighbors,” says Scott.


“Then what?”  asks Joan.

Tyler looks off beyond Joan’s shoulders knowing she is not going to like what she will hear next.

Scott goes on, “As we were leaving Maggie’s to get our horses, John Peters steps out from behind the livery stable and threatens us.”

“Like what kind of threat, dad?”
“That he is going to kill us for killing his son and for Tyler taking his land which was the Martin’s property.

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