Monday, November 26, 2012

Missed Writing

Something I learned about myself, when the manuscript for Behind the Lies was going through the publishing process, I realized I missed writing.  I had the vision of doing a western thriller because I grew up in the 1940s and that is when westerns were a big hit.  Actually, they are part of our heritage and will always be at some level.  I began writing my second novel.  After doing ten chapters I put the manuscript aside and started the book titled "Tova."  I wrote it as a teaching tool and as a a tribute to Tova.  After Tova was complete, I returned to the western and published two books in 2010.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Readers' Comments on Behind the Lies

Wow Joe! 

After building the plot effectively in the first half the last half blew me away.  Up to midnight finishing which is something that I do very rarely.  Your writing talents have been hidden but you will take your place with the majors.  A much better plot than the Cussler and Griffins.

When you get your book in front of the major reviewers you should hit the big time.

 You covered every angle and left no loose ends.  It's totally amazing that a first time author could write such a powerful thriller demonstrating a grasp of human nature, politics, espionage, and amazing military knowledge. 

You totally blew me away.  It's better than I ever expected.  I could not put the book down for the last 150 pages.  I sat totally absorbed by the suspense and was surprised by my own emotions as the story evolved.  You did a phenomenal job and now you need to start writing the script for the screen. It will make Tom Clancy take notice that he met his match.

Put me down as your number 1 fan and please get back to work ASAP with a sequel.

An intelligent, interesting, and sobering story.  This intricate, well-researched plot serves as an important cautionary tale.
The reader is reminded of Clancy and Ludlum.
This is a novel that should be read and discussed.
Phil C.


What a book.  “Behind The Lies,” is one of the best books that I have ever read.  I was quite impressed, and agree with the first testimonial review; add my name to that one. 

Jim T. and I were class mates in high school.  After ordering a hard cover of my book he has ordered five soft covers to be sent to friends with the following message. 

From Jim  T__________ for your years of friendship.  This author was a high school classmate who has written one of the most timely and effective books and should soon be a best seller.  


I can’t put the book down, I’m so into it.    

You must have been a spy in the past; you have a great understanding of three distinct cultures.    

I won’t let my husband start it until I am finished with it. 

This is for the movie industry, I can’t put it down.   

Anyway I continue to be amazed that anyone has the imagination to fill in the details to make a book such as yours become such an intense living thing when you are reading it.   

“I haven’t been into a novel this much since I read, Angels and Demons.  The detail and character depth keeps my interest going.”   

This book is fantastic!  It is so relevant to today’s current events.  I hope what you are writing doesn’t really happen.  I haven’t been able to let it sit for long periods and am almost to the end.  


Less than two weeks ago I received a book in the mail from a friend. It was an unexpected gift as it came from the author and was autographed with a message. I opened it on the day of my 2nd cataract surgery and when I noted the number of pages I visualized a month of on and off assault on the text.  That did not happen. Instead I found a compelling story of NOW that I could hardly put down. This book proposes a scenario of the building tension between us and the fundamental leaders of Iran. There was, of course, an overlay of the posturing within Israel that, along with the events in Iran, seemed it could have only been written by a true insider. It provides a very plausible progression that seems far from unrealistic and captures you with the intrigue, inside machinations and final disposition of program to seek world dominance.  

This is not a book you will likely find in your local library as it seems to be self-published but it is a read worthy of your time. In fact, it may well be one you want to have and then have copies sent to your friends.  If you want to check it out the name of the book is "Behind the Lies" and the author is Joe Smiga.  He was the high school classmate of a good friend.  You can get more info at Great Story - Great Gift. 

Bruce M. 

Hi Joe,

I was talking to the owner of the company who prints my office materials.  I wanted a quote for the booklet for our classmates.  I mentioned that one of my classmates wrote a novel that I found outstanding.  She asked the story line, and after two sentences she asked the title.  When I said Behind the Lies she said that she had heard a review of the book on a Christian Radio station and that it was quite favorable.   Can I have your autograph? 

Best of luck.


Hi Joe, I just wanted to let you know that I finished reading your book, Behind The Lies.  OUTSTANDING Sure hope it doesn't become reality but who knows.

I will be passing the book along for others to read.  I have emailed the program chair of the Concord Club letting him know what a wonderful book it is and hopefully, if they haven't already, invite you to speak at their club.

Let me know when you write another one as this one was hard to put down.

Alley Boucher, Gilford Rotary Club

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Review of Behind the Lies

John Clayton’s column in the NH Union Leader 2009   



Speaking of books, there's a little thing in the publishing business called serendipity, and it comes into play when you write a novel and your fictional premise suddenly becomes a shocking truth, a truth that results in global outrage, banner headlines and round-the-clock cable news coverage.

That's what's happening to Joe Smiga.

Simply stated, the premise of his first novel is this -- Iran has nukes.

That's the central storyline in "Behind the Lies," a prescient piece of work worthy of Tom Clancy, what with Hamas and Hezbollah and renegade Ayatollahs in control of Kilo-class submarines and, in a tribute to his adopted hometown, Joe has scripted a cliff-hanger of a naval battle with a destroyer called the USS Manchester cast as a key player in the drama.

Talk about lucky timing.

"Actually, I had it planned," Joe said, and, while I thought he was joking, he wasn't.

"I'm Jewish," he explained, "I've been reading the Jerusalem Post for years and for as long as I've been reading it, Israeli intelligence has been saying that Iran would have a nuclear capability by the end of 2009, so when I started writing in 2005, that was going to be my premise." And what was his reaction when President Obama held that press conference announcing that Iran has acquired "sufficient information to be able to design and produce a workable atomic bomb"?

"It's a terrifying reality, but as an author, I was thrilled," he said. "His remarks reinforced the title -- the truth 'Behind the Lies' -- and the fact that my book has a black President who's in his first term in the book strikes a chord with readers as well.” If you'd like to be one of them -- readers, that is -- you can seek out "Behind the Lies" on the Amazon or Barnes and Noble websites, or if you're looking for an autographed copy, you can go to
John Clayton is the author of several books on Manchester and New Hampshire, including his newest title, "Remembering Manchester." He writes a regular column for the New Hampshire Union Leader a statewide newspaper.