Monday, January 26, 2015

This blog is going to have a major change.

While I continue to write and publish, I have been studying photography and have become interested in showing the beauty of life and all that is part of it.  New and old passions of my life are coming to the surface, and I wish to express them.  Hopefully you will enjoy some of what I post.  I would appreciate your comments.

Sometimes you will find a book excerpt on this blog, other times pictures, and other times a few paragraphs about life and its blessings.


Robbery in Town

The two lawmen like this town, it is quaint, yet still moving forward.  Todd wonders how long it will be before another saloon moves into town.  He envisions the next one to have dancing girls and those who rent rooms by the hour.

As they walk near Maggie’s and Randy’s general store, they both hear someone stumble in back of the store. 

Todd moves into the alley and Lenny crosses the street to back him up.  They hear someone yell, “Danny wait up, don’t leave me.”

The sound of a horse taking off at a gallup is very evident.  As Todd nears the end of the general store he sees a rider climbing onto his saddle.

“Hold on there, I have questions for you.”

The rider spins his horse around and fires two shots at the sheriff.

Todd takes careful aim and fires once, knocking the rider out of the saddle.

Lenny yells out, “Todd, you okay.”

“Yeah, I’m okay, come back here and help me get this guy to the doc.”

Lenny nears the end of the buildings and looks around before he ventures over to where the wounded man is lying.  “What happened, I hear three shots?”

“Two were his and one was mine.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Jose Arrives

Jose arrives at the J & T at 8:00 am.  He is a half hour early.  Tyler sees him coming onto the ranch and he walks out to meet him.  “You’re up bright and early.  Actually you are a half hour early.”

“I couldn’t sleep, I was so excited.”

“I understand,” says Tyler.  I’ve been through some of the same feelings.”

“Look, secure your horse to the rail post after you water him.  I am going to finish my breakfast and then I will be out to work with you.”

“Si Senor!

“Jose, put your gear in the bunkhouse.  There are four unoccupied bunks, so take your pick.  I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

When Tyler exits the house he sees Jose admiring the horses in the corral.

“I see you admire good looking horses.”

“Oh yes, and these are beautiful.”

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Tyler looking for extra ranch hands

Arriving at Jose’s house, Tyler dismounts and after securing his stallion he knocks on the door post.

A Mexican woman, with dark black eyes that match her hair, answers, “What can I do for you?”

“My name is Tyler Martin and I wish to speak with Jose about a job.”

“Miguel said you would be calling, Jose didn’t think it would be so soon.  He is running an errand in town.  Come in, would you like some coffee or water?”

“Coffee would be fine.”

Jose’s mother pours him a mug and sits down at the table with him.

“Miguel told us you are looking to hire more hands.  My husband and I feel it would be good experience for him to learn something besides farming.”

“I agree, but how does Jose feel, does he want to learn ranching or be a farmer?”

“When Jose heard you were hiring he tried very hard to persuade Miguel he was right for the job.”

Monday, January 5, 2015

Miguel Arrives at the Ranch

Carla’s brother Miguel arrives at the J & T ranch.  He is not expected, so he is wondering who he will find home when he knocks on the door.

Katiana answers the knock and she is pleased to see him.  They give each other a hug.

“Is Tyler around, I have some information for him?”

“Tyler is working the lower range today.  Joan is here, let me get her.”

Joan comes into the living room where Miguel is standing.  “Miguel, it’s so good to see you.  Is Tyler expecting you?”

“Not really, but he is waiting for word from me.”

“Can I pass on the message for you?”

“Of course.”

“Before we continue let’s sit down,” says Joan.

“Thank you.”

“Would you care for something to drink?”

“I am fine.  Tyler visited me about ten days ago looking for two ranch hands.  I found them for him.  They are Jose and Manuel.  They are aware of Tyler’s plan to train them one at a time.  Both young men are anxious to start.  They hear from their relatives who already work here, how this is a great place.”